Middle Grades Books – List 1 – Grades 4 – 5


(Note on costs: Most of these can be found at amazon.com or other online sources such as half.com, abebooks.com or thriftbooks.com for a very minimal price. Rainbow Resource also carries many of them. The Savannah campus has a lending library that operates on a first come/first served basis. Other campuses may also offer books in the lists as used. Please contact your director about this.) Audio versions of the readers are also encouraged, especially for middle grades students. Parents may also choose to read these aloud.


  1. The Golden Goblet by McGraw ISBN: 9780140303353
  2. Tirzah by Lucille Travis ISBN: 9780836135466
  3. The Children’s Homer by Colum – Publisher: Aladdin
  4. D’Aulaire’s Book of Greek Myths by D’Aulaire ISBN: 9780440406945
  5. Detectives in Togas by Henry Winterfield ISBN: 9780152162801
  6. The Bronze Bow by Speare ISBN: 9780395137192
  7. Choose one book from the attached Book of Choice List.
  8. Write With the Best, Vol. 1 by Jill J. Dixon – $12.49. Please do not order this from our curricula website. Orders placed there have state tax and a $5.00 shipping charge applied. Local academies will be invoiced for the book when you complete your online forms at sign-up. You will receive books on the first day of class. Books will be shipped to individuals in different locales and the shipping charge will apply.
  9. Please note: The director of your academy will be contacting you in the summer to let you know which English text and Daily Paragraph Editing book to purchase.
  10. Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary and Thesaurus


  1. The Story of the World: Volume 1, Ancient Times, Soft cover text by Susan Bauer/ISBN 978-1-933339-00-9 (Read aloud each week by parents.)
  2. The Story of the World: Volume 1: Ancient Times, Student activity pages only/downloadable pdf (price around $7.00) *Order from welltrainedmind.com. Your student must have these to complete geography.
  3. A large world map or children’s world atlas.

Optional History:

Geography Songs: Sing Around the World/audio memory.com (It may be helpful to have these at home so students can listen during the week.)

Book of Choice:

Each student is to pick one book of interest to read. These books will be read in 2 weeks.

  1. The Librarian Who Measured the Earth by Lasky
  2. Senefer, A Young Genius in Old Egypt by Lumpkin
  3. Alexander the Great by R. Green
  4. Cleopatra by Stanley
  5. Hatshepsut, The Princess Who Became King by Galford
  6. Alexander, The Boy Soldier Who Conquered the World by Simon Adams
  7. Hatshepsut: First Female Pharaoh by Jordan
  8. Pharaoh: Life and Afterlife of a God by David Kenneff
  9. Secrets of the Sphinx by James Giblin
  10. Alexander the Great by Demi
  11. You Wouldn’t Want to be a Roman Gladiator! By Malam