Academic and Behavioral

Academic and Behavioral prerequisites for each class at EAL


Special needs students are accepted on an individual basis, so let your director know immediately if you have a student with any special needs (including dyslexia or processing problems, ADHD or ADD, autism spectrum, speech disorders, anxiety, hyperactivity, or medical issues that effect learning).

Please note that special needs students do not have to meet all academic criteria listed below, but they must meet the behavioral criteria to participate in the class.

Special needs students must have an Intervention Checklist completed by each parent at the beginning of the school year.

Parents are encouraged to bring any questions or concerns to the director of each academy.


Make sure that your child meets the academic criteria for each class. Some behavioral requirements are included with the academic lists below.

Pre-K class - Each student must:

  • be able to use the toilet.
  • be able to follow teacher oral directions.

K-1st grade class - Each student must:

  • recognize the letters of the alphabet.
  • know some initial consonant sounds and some vowel sounds.
  • know how to hold a pencil and be able to at least trace over other letters.
  • be able to sit in a desk for at least 30 minutes at a time.
  • be able to listen to story time for at least 10-15 minutes.
  • be able to follow teacher oral directions.
  • participate in class activities.
  • be able to use the bathroom independently.
  • be able to interact with other students appropriately without physical contact.

2nd-3rd grade class - Each student must:

  • meet all the criteria of a K-1st grade student listed above.
  • be able to write a complete sentence.

4th-5th grade class - Each student must:

  • meet the criteria of a 2nd-3rd grade student.
  • be able to write a short paragraph adequately.

6th-8th grade class - Each student must:

  • be able to write at least 3 cohesive paragraphs on a given topic.
  • be able to research history topics alone.

9th-12th grade - Each student must:

  • be able to complete tests in class in an accepted amount of time.
  • be able to complete writing assignments and history projects on time without requiring extra time.
  • be able to write at least 4 cohesive paragraphs on a given topic in an acceptable amount of time.
  • be able to do extensive research on history topics.

Additional Requirements for Grades 6-12 - Each student must:

  • be able to stay seated for at least 45 minutes.
  • be able to remain quiet during instruction and group discussion.
  • Each student must be able to discuss various topics out loud without interrupting and without outbursts.
  • be willing to participate in all class activities and projects.
  • follow the instructions of the teacher.
  • raise his or her hand to speak in all circumstances without interrupting.
  • be able to socialize with his or her classmates.
  • be able to access his or her assignments in his or her notebook quickly during class.

The Eclectic Academy of Learning is designed to enhance the education of my children, but I am primarily responsible for their education and its implementation.

  • As the parent, I am the primary teacher of my children and will ensure that they complete their work to the best of their abilities. If the work cannot be completed, I will write a note to the teachers specifying why it could not be completed and sign it. I will also write excused on the assignment sheet. Otherwise, I will initial each subject box on the weekly assignment sheets to indicate my student has completed his work to my satisfaction. I understand that my student is allowed only 3 excuses for work per semester and after this, I must meet with the Director - unless an Adaptation Plan has been set up. (The allowance of only three excuses does not apply to K5-3rd grade students, also known as Explorers.)
  • I understand that class tuition for August through April tuition is due by the 15th of each month, and tuition not received by the 22nd of each month will result in a late fee of $25.
  • I understand this class uses the Thinkwave grading system. I am responsible for my password and checking my student’s grades by the 30th of each month to keep up with his/her progress. Any corrections that need to be made on Thinkwave must be brought to the attention of the Director by the 5th and 30th of each month. Corrections cannot be made after that time. I will contact the Director immediately about any grading issues. (Explorers will not use Thinkwave.)
  • As the parent, I can choose to not have my student’s grades recorded on Thinkwave. (4th-5th graders can also opt to not have test grades recorded on Thinkwave. Please let the Director know immediately if you choose this option.)
  • I understand that I will be assigned Lunch Duty and Art Duty approximately every 6-8 weeks, and it is highly crucial for the efficient running of the class that I am present for my duty. I will be notified by email at least 2 weeks before my duty, and I know I must notify the Director if I cannot be present.

As the PARENT and STUDENT, We understand and agree to the following classroom behavioral rules:

  • Cell phones, iPods, and other electronic devices cannot be used on campus at any time. If a teacher sees a student with an electronic device, it will be taken by the teacher. This also includes lunch time and breaks. In emergency situations, students must receive permission from a teacher to use their phone.
  • Romantic relationships between students are not allowed during class hours. This includes discussion of these relationships or displays of affection of any kind.
  • Tobacco and vaping products are not permitted on campus.
  • Profanity, unclean language, unclean gestures, ridiculing and/or making fun of other students or teachers are forbidden as well as discussion of any activity that violates the rules of the class.
  • Students will not be allowed to use the restroom during class instruction.
  • Students will abide by the dress code, and if they come dressed out of code, a parent will be called.
  • Lunches must be supplied by parents. Students will not have access to eating utensils or a microwave and are not allowed to leave campus during lunch.
  • No physical contact will be allowed during lunch, and shoes must be worn at all times.
  • No food or beverages are allowed in class. Students with health issues may have a closed container of water.
  • Students must raise hands to speak in class during teacher instruction. Parents of chronic talkers and disturbers will be notified.
  • Students are not allowed to miss more than twice per semester unless the absence is excused by the Director.
  • It is very important that students arrive on time to prevent disturbance in the classroom. Three tardies = one unexcused absence.
  • Students are not allowed to discuss tests or homework grades among themselves.
  • The classroom experience of this Academy is of vital importance to each student’s education. Therefore, parents and students must insure classroom attendance except in the case of unforeseen emergencies. If a student has more than 2 absences per semester, his spot may be given to someone on the waiting list. A student with more than 2 absences will receive 0’s for additional absences.
  • Students understand that they are responsible for turning in missed work and making up tests when absent. Each student must turn in missed work or make up tests on the day he returns to class. Made up work will not be accepted after that. The Director may excuse work under specific circumstances.
  • Students are assigned clean up duty approximately one time a month and are required to remain after class on that day. A cleanup schedule will be e-mailed to parents the week before their student has clean-up.
  • Students are given one warning each class if one of the above rules is broken. If the student breaks a rule again during the same class, parents will be contacted.
  • Parents are responsible for any damages done to church property by their child(ren).