Why is your program called “eclectic”?

“Eclectic” means using the BEST of a variety of methods, teaching philosophies and techniques. Most children do not benefit or learn as much when they are forced to learn through one method alone. That is why I have incorporated the following educational philosophies into my program:
– The Classical Method – The Academy uses the great works of World and Classical literature to teach literary skills and Greek and Latin roots to enhance vocabulary. Students are also taught to use the knowledge they acquire through the use of critical thinking, speaking and writing.
– Unit Studies/Interrelated Education – Since it is a proven educational fact that students learn material much easier when it is related, we teach the language arts, history, geography and art as a unit of study, meaning we write and read about what we are studying in history and geography.
– Charlotte Mason Approach – The Academy firmly believes that “living books” are the best teachers. Students read many “living books” throughout their educational years at the Academy and learn to take dictation and give narration concerning the literature they are reading. Students also create a “Century Timeline Book” of history, so that they get the “big picture” of history.
– Multi-Intelligence or Learning Styles Theory – Due to Mrs. Dixon’s more than 30 years of learning styles research, it is no doubt that learning styles play a large part in this program. It is a proven fact that students learn best, retain more and enjoy learning more if they can learn through their specific modalities of learning. Therefore, students are given continual opportunity to learn new material in a variety of ways that appeal to them and encourage them to love learning. At the Academy, learning is both serious and fun! A happy learner beats a frustrated one any day!
– Traditional textbooks – A few excellent and traditional textbooks are also used when they are the best means of teaching a particular subject. Proven resources are utilized.
– Core Knowledge/Cultural Literacy – Core knowledge/Cultural Literacy is a research-based program by E. D. Hirsch, Jr. that insists that a core of knowledge in specific subjects is necessary to ensure an adequate education. The Academy utilizes this core of knowledge in history, geography, English, World, American and British Literature. This core knowledge is not to be confused with Core Knowledge pushed in public schools.

Can my 8thgrader or high schooler receive high school credit for the class?

Yes. One year of history and one year of Language Arts/Literature counts as two credits.
Geography can count as 1/2 credit a year, Speech and Drama can count as 1/4 credit a year and writing can count as 1/2 – 1 credit a year. On the years that American History is taught, the student receives 1/2 credit for two years in American Government.

Is your program accredited?

Accreditation services are available through the program for students in the Savannah area in grades 8-12.

Do you make accommodations and adaptations for special needs students?

Most certainly! Individual directors are encouraged to make needed adaptations for the students such as taking a test at home, reduction of reading material or dictation of writing assignments by parents. The goal of the Academy is to provide every child with a quality education.

Do students receive assignments to complete at home?

Yes. Students are provided detailed and structured assignments for the other four days of school.

Does your program include science, a foreign language, and math?

Our Savannah campus offers math, science, and foreign language on a separate day for additional fees. Other campuses may also add these subjects. See individual campuses for details.

Can my child try the Academy for one month or so and then drop out if it doesn’t work?

No. Students are required to remain in the Academy for the entire school year unless one of two exceptional reasons apply. First, the student moves to a new location, which would make it impossible to attend the class. Secondly, special needs students cannot complete the class due to their special needs after certain measures are taken to accommodate these students. The registration and coursepacks fees are nonrefundable.

Do students who have been in private or public school transition well to homeschooling by participating in the Academy, and do students who participate in the Academy transition well to public and private schools?

Absolutely. We have had several students in both categories, and they both transition very well because of the quality of education, classroom environment, and requirements of the Academy.

How much time is required from the parent in assisting students with homework each day?

For grades K-3, the parents will spend approximately an hour per day with students. History can be completed in 1-2 days if desired and is not required each day.
In the middle school class [Grades 4-8], parents can count on spending approximately an hour to 2 hours at the most per day with students, especially 4th and 5th graders. Independent students in 6th and 8th grade may not require any assistance.
In the high school class [Grades 9-12], parents will need to assist students very little.

Are high school students prepared to take AP and CLEP exams after taking your literature and history for 3-4 years?

To date, students from the Academy have taken the AP English Language Exam, CLEP Analyzing Literature Exam, and Western Civilization I CLEP Exam and scored very well on these. Other exams that students should be able to take after the high school course work are AP World History, AP U.S. History, AP English Literature, CLEP American Literature, CLEP English Composition, CLEP English Literature, CLEP U.S. History and CLEP Western Civilization II.

Will your class prepare my high schooler for the SAT and ACT?

A significant portion of the Older Literature class is spent on SAT/ACT preparation. Students are given weekly SAT/ACT editing, reading, and vocabulary exercises and the first 4-5 months of each school year are spent on perfecting the SAT 25 minute essay and ACT essay.

How do you select your literature?

I have consulted several well-respected and well-tested classical and Charlotte Mason book lists. I have also “fine tuned” or refined the list after teaching this class for 26 years and finding the best books – the ones that students love the most, and the ones that teach the most about literature, life, and morality.