Financial and Religious

Financial and Religious prerequisites for each class at EAL

The requirements below are taken from The Authorized User Form and The Family Agreement Form. These forms are completed online at the beginning of each year by a parent and/or guardian who has a student attending EAL.

I contract to commit to the class for the entire nine month school year. If I withdraw from the class before the year is over, I acknowledge that I am obligated to pay the remainder of the monthly tuition for my student(s). By completing this form, I agree to these requirements and I acknowledge that to violate them constitutes a legal and ethical breach of contract.

This requirement does not apply to students who move out of the area and, therefore, cannot attend the class. This requirement does not include students with special needs or learning differences whose needs cannot be met in the class after attempting several accommodations. Parents and teachers are required to sign an Intervention Checklist and Form for these students.

It is the heart of The Eclectic Academy of Learning to accommodate and help special needs students. However, if I am the parent of a special needs child, I understand that if the Director of the class feels that the needs of my child cannot be met in this classroom setting or that my child’s behavior is a continual disruption to the class, I will be required to pull my child from the class without being required to pay tuition for the year. I will not, however, receive a refund for registration, coursepack fees, or previously paid tuition. I also understand that this applies to any child who is a continual disruption to the class whether he/she is a special needs student or not.

I will not hold the director, any teacher, the facility, or anyone associated with Jill Dixon's Eclectic Academy of Learning responsible for any damage and/or loss to my child’s property or injury to my child.

I understand that the annual homework coursepacks fee is $100.00 per student and is nonrefundable. I understand that the homework coursepacks fee is for two semesters, and coursepacks are issued prior to each respective semester only to students who are actively attending the class.

The Eclectic Academy of Learning welcomes and extends kindness to all children and to their parents who are endeavoring to home educate them.

I acknowledge that The Eclectic Academy of Learning teaches from a classical, pre-modern conservative Christian worldview. This Christian worldview includes, but is not limited to, the inspirational inerrancy and validity of Scripture as outlined in the Holy Bible, the traditional view of marriage between one man and one woman, distinct gender classification from birth of male and female, and the sanctity of life of every living human and unborn child.

I understand that I am not required to personally hold to this worldview to enroll my child or children, but that this is the worldview of the Academy, and that I will not try to impose my personal beliefs and/or my child's or children's personal beliefs upon the Academy and those who attend it. Such impositions of personal beliefs include, but are not limited to, wearing jewelry or makeup and things like these that are uniquely and culturally characteristic of the opposite sex of one’s gender at birth, and wearing or displaying symbols or insignia and things like these which promote positions that are culturally opposed to the traditional, classical and pre-modern conservative Christian worldview of the Academy.